Calista Primary School, along with other school’s in the area have their own boundaries.
Please contact the school on 9414 2350 to find out if you live in the boundaries for Calista or refer to the map below.
how to enrol
Register your interest by completing an Application for Enrolment form. These can be obtained from the school through the Administration building.
Please note the following documents will need to be presented:
Your child’s birth certificate;
Proof of your current address (e.g. recent accounts for electricity, water, gas, council rates or tenancy agreement)
Immunisation record (this will need to be printed from your MyGov account).
Once the form has been filled out and the necessary documents have been presented an appointment will be arranged with the one of our lovely deputies. This interview is designed to help families get a better sense of Calista and for us to start to get to know the potential student.
Enrolment information and registration forms can be obtained by ringing the school on 9414 2350, or by emailing
Kindergarten Enrolments 2026
Please click on the link below for application for Enrolment